'Be still and know that I am God'

LentThe season of Lent presents an opportunity to reflect on how we live out our Christian life, through prayer, worship, fasting, study and setting time aside for God. At All Saints we will be keeping Lent in a variety of ways and hope that everybody might be able to find something which will support them on their own journey of faith. The following additional services and activities will be taking place to assist us in keeping a good Lent.

The daily offering of prayer

Why not make a Lenten discipline of joining perhaps once or even twice a week in the daily round of prayer and praise that is the bedrock of the Church’s life - the core purpose of our existence?

  • 10am Low Mass with Imposition of Ashes - St Saviour's Hall
  • 7.30pm Solemn Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Mondays in Lent

4pm Our Lent course, led by the Revd Canon Nicola Stanley - 'How to Prayer better' - will take place in St Saviour's Hall other than 11 March when there will be homework set!

Saturdays in Lent

10.30am Stations of the Cross after the 10am Mass.

Fr Brendan is available to hear your confession by appointment.

Holy Week and Easter

Lent Reflections